I'm honored to be acting as a judge for the AOL Community Photo Challenge again this week. Feel free to join the fun by entering in the category of your choice. Since I'm ineligible to participate, I thought I'd throw a small curve into my entry.
Some days you wake up not feeling particularly well, but when you look out the window and find this perched in your backyard, suddenly you think 'Gee, maybe I'm not feeling so bad after all....' and just hope it goes away soon!
Actually, this does fit the 'March into Spring' category, since the tradition in these parts is that in early spring the buzzards come home to roost in a local park - not quite as romantic as swallows to Capistrano mind you, but still a reason to look forward to warmer days ahead.
I wish you all warmth and sunshine - emanating from the inside, out.
Great photo and very well timed with the wings outstretched like that.
We have a park in the northeastern part of Ohio where the buzzards always come home to in the spirng. They do come and people go to watch for their return every year. I've not been there but hear about it on the radio each year. That is something to see for sure. That is a stunning photo. 'On Ya' - ma
Wonderfully captured, Rob! Great entry for the challenge. Here I am, waiting for a simple robin! He's watchin' you....
Oh my what a beautiful capture :).
An amazing shot. Love everything about it. :)
That is a great capture, Rob...it seems huge! Wonderful background, just enough to show the ice, but not distracting what so ever....great shot!
What a great shot Rob. Shame you are not eligible to enter it. A winner for sure. Thanks for sharing. Helen
Wow...what a shot! Incredible job. Good thing you can't enter or I'd NEVER have a chance! lol
wow!! what a wonderful shot. great job.
Rob, that's a frightening vision to see out the window when you wake up...does make one wonder, huh? Seriously, though, this is an awesome capture, perfect in every way! While not the most sought after birds for photography, they do have a certain amount of grace and beauty, as long as they're not feeding. LOL Well seen and well shot!
Yikes, scary! But it is a really wonderful photo!
Martha ~
What a wonderful shot in all aspects.
Awesome shot.
yeouuzer... what a site to see in your backyard. Great shot!
Can I come sit in your backyard??
This is just too cool!
That is incredible! What a shot!!!
What a stunning shot Rob! I'd love to see this in my backyard! Sorry I'm late in commenting but I was in Florida in early March on vacation. I opnly saw this when I got your last alert. Jeannette.
That buzzard has some nice looking feathers. Keep up your journal/blog..your entries are thought provoking and have lots of sentiment which I for one..like a lot....Maria
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